Represents a Photo taken by the Camera written to the local filesystem.
• height: number
The height of the photo, in pixels.
Defined in​
• isMirrored: boolean
Whether this photo is mirrored (selfies) or not.
Defined in​
• isRawPhoto: boolean
Whether this photo is in RAW format or not.
Defined in​
• Optional
metadata: Object
Metadata information describing the captured image. (iOS only)
Type declaration​
Name | Type | Description |
DPIHeight | number | Platform iOS |
DPIWidth | number | Platform iOS |
Orientation | number | Orientation of the EXIF Image. 1 = 0 degrees: the correct orientation, no adjustment is required. 2 = 0 degrees, mirrored: image has been flipped back-to-front. 3 = 180 degrees: image is upside down. 4 = 180 degrees, mirrored: image has been flipped back-to-front and is upside down. 5 = 90 degrees: image has been flipped back-to-front and is on its side. 6 = 90 degrees, mirrored: image is on its side. 7 = 270 degrees: image has been flipped back-to-front and is on its far side. 8 = 270 degrees, mirrored: image is on its far side. |
{Exif} | { ApertureValue : number ; BrightnessValue : number ; ColorSpace : number ; DateTimeDigitized : string ; DateTimeOriginal : string ; ExifVersion : string ; ExposureBiasValue : number ; ExposureMode : number ; ExposureProgram : number ; ExposureTime : number ; FNumber : number ; Flash : number ; FocalLenIn35mmFilm : number ; FocalLength : number ; ISOSpeedRatings : number [] ; LensMake : string ; LensModel : string ; LensSpecification : number [] ; MeteringMode : number ; OffsetTime : string ; OffsetTimeDigitized : string ; OffsetTimeOriginal : string ; PixelXDimension : number ; PixelYDimension : number ; SceneType : number ; SensingMethod : number ; ShutterSpeedValue : number ; SubjectArea : number [] ; SubsecTimeDigitized : string ; SubsecTimeOriginal : string ; WhiteBalance : number } | - |
{Exif}.ApertureValue | number | - |
{Exif}.BrightnessValue | number | - |
{Exif}.ColorSpace | number | - |
{Exif}.DateTimeDigitized | string | - |
{Exif}.DateTimeOriginal | string | - |
{Exif}.ExifVersion | string | - |
{Exif}.ExposureBiasValue | number | - |
{Exif}.ExposureMode | number | - |
{Exif}.ExposureProgram | number | - |
{Exif}.ExposureTime | number | - |
{Exif}.FNumber | number | - |
{Exif}.Flash | number | - |
{Exif}.FocalLenIn35mmFilm | number | - |
{Exif}.FocalLength | number | - |
{Exif}.ISOSpeedRatings | number [] | - |
{Exif}.LensMake | string | - |
{Exif}.LensModel | string | - |
{Exif}.LensSpecification | number [] | - |
{Exif}.MeteringMode | number | - |
{Exif}.OffsetTime | string | - |
{Exif}.OffsetTimeDigitized | string | - |
{Exif}.OffsetTimeOriginal | string | - |
{Exif}.PixelXDimension | number | - |
{Exif}.PixelYDimension | number | - |
{Exif}.SceneType | number | - |
{Exif}.SensingMethod | number | - |
{Exif}.ShutterSpeedValue | number | - |
{Exif}.SubjectArea | number [] | - |
{Exif}.SubsecTimeDigitized | string | - |
{Exif}.SubsecTimeOriginal | string | - |
{Exif}.WhiteBalance | number | - |
{MakerApple}? | Record <string , unknown > | Represents any data Apple cameras write to the metadata Platform iOS |
{TIFF} | { DateTime : string ; HostComputer? : string ; Make : string ; Model : string ; ResolutionUnit : number ; Software : string ; XResolution : number ; YResolution : number } | - |
{TIFF}.DateTime | string | - |
{TIFF}.HostComputer? | string | Platform iOS |
{TIFF}.Make | string | - |
{TIFF}.Model | string | - |
{TIFF}.ResolutionUnit | number | - |
{TIFF}.Software | string | - |
{TIFF}.XResolution | number | - |
{TIFF}.YResolution | number | - |
Defined in​
• orientation: Orientation
Display orientation of the photo, relative to the Camera's sensor orientation.
Note that Camera sensors are landscape, so e.g. "portrait" photos will have a value of "landscape-left", etc.
Defined in​
• path: string
The path of the file.
Note: If you want to consume this file (e.g. for displaying it in an
component), you might have to add thefile://
prefix.Note: This file might get deleted once the app closes because it lives in the temp directory.
Inherited from​
Defined in​
• Optional
thumbnail: Record
, unknown
Defined in​
• width: number
The width of the photo, in pixels.